Guest Contributor: Joe Marshall, author of Last Call for Liberty In response to a three-part series on gun control we recently featured, Joe Marshall has provided the following POV on how he sees it. He responds to each part of…
In Part I of this series I shared some very personal experiences and explained why I’m armed. Then in Part II, I described what I’ve done to find middle ground. In this installment, I’ll detail a successive series of actions that,…
If you’ve read Part I of this gun control series, you know why I’m armed and which side I’ve chosen in the gun control debate. Like everyone else with an ounce of compassion, regardless of which side of the debate…
Most Americans have already chosen a side in the debate over gun rights and are all magically transformed into constitutional scholars as we pontificate on the purpose and meaning of the Second Amendment. One side knows the Second Amendment restricts the…
One of the priorities identified by Nancy Pelosi in her campaign to become Speaker of the House following the Democrats’ historic victory in the 2018 mid-term election was gun control. So, it should come as no surprise that the House…
As he does on every day ending in “y,” Trump attacked the First Amendment and freedom of the press by declaring the New York Times “a true enemy of the people” one day after the paper published an extensive report…
Last week, members of the Democratic Socialists of America serving in Congress officially introduced the Green New Deal, a liberty-killing plan that promises to end global warming and poverty while simultaneously curing every “social, economic, racial, regional and gender-based” injustice.…