Are you a flat earther? You know, someone who doubts the reality of man-made global warming. If you are, you might find yourself in need of a lawyer — at least that could be the case if the recommendations of…
In their never-ending mission to destroy all who stand in the way of universal acceptance of their sexually-deviant lifestyle, we have received news that the Denver City Council has joined the Gay Mafia. According to a story in The Denver…
Yesterday I shared with you the story of John Arnold, a veteran who had been advised by the Veterans Administration that he was no longer entitled to his Second Amendment rights because he used a fiduciary to handle his financial…
On August 6, residents of Bonner County lined up outside the Priest River, Idaho home of veteran John Arnold in order to prevent the Veterans Administration (VA) from taking away his guns. Arnold had received a letter from the VA…
A Kentucky man shot down a drone hovering over his daughter, who was sunbathing, and was then arrested after being charged with first degree criminal mischief and first degree wanton endangerment. The owner of the drone claims he was only…
The objectives of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) are referred to as the “Aims of Scouting” and they are: moral character development, citizenship training, and development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. The Boy Scout oath states, in…
Retired General Wesley Clark, a former presidential candidate for the Democrat party and the past supreme allied commander of NATO, was a vocal critic of George W. Bush’s response to the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the…