Operation Choke Point is an initiative launched by Eric Holder’s Department of Justice in 2013 meant to use banks and financial institutions to track down companies suspected of illegal activities. However, it does so without due process—a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment’s protection against…
Tag: Bill of Rights
DEA delivers the latest hit to the Constitution
Alabama senator calls for government-licensed press
Judge chooses NSA over the Constitution
Homosexual agenda brings tyranny to Houston, TX
It was just a few days ago that I wrote about the tyranny Americans now live under from the judicial, executive, and legislative branches of the federal government. Now comes word of more tyrannical behavior by the government from Houston, TX.…
Tyranny: The new normal
Last week, the government released employment data that showed a drop in unemployment even though the economy remained weak and the country reached a record low labor participation rate. As the left-wing grapples with this disparity between statistics and reality, they have come…