Trump supporters need to take note; even though Al Gore’s “inconvenient truth” about global warming is a lie, it has been and soon will be again embraced as truth by the man they claim will fix the ills caused by…
What do COVID lockdowns, so-called global warming, carbon taxes and a “climate emergency” have in common? Read on to find out… A few weeks ago, the International Monetary Fund (MNF) issued a “call for global climate action” based on lessons…
Republicans and Democrats have joined forces to launch a new trade war with some of America’s trade partners by imposing tariffs (a tax) on imports coming from high carbon-polluting countries in order to fight global warming, and the inspiration for…
With Americans facing record-breaking inflation on food, gasoline, and other essentials, Republicans and Democrats in Washington are blaming the situation on Russia, and they are leveraging it to push a Marxist green agenda and raise taxes. Last week, a group…
Despite repeated claims of opposition to the Democrats’ global warming agenda, Republicans desperate for political power are embracing radical far-left climate policies, including the idea of creating of a carbon tax, the socialistic redistribute-the-wealth scheme gaining new momentum under Joe…
Joe Biden’s director of climate propaganda, U.S. “climate envoy” John Kerry, has been reintroducing many of the radical environmental policies of the Obama administration, which is why Kerry is pushing or a “bold” carbon tax to end global warming. When…
One of the many policy areas where Republicans have proven themselves to be simpatico with their Democrat counterparts is with the global warming issue — or as they now call it after numerous record-breaking winters, climate change. And even though…