Back in May when the House passed Nancy Pelosi’s $3 trillion Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, we got another taste of just how far Democrats are willing to go to funnel money to their special interest…
“So, what do you think will happen in November?” In a recent interview with Shannon Joy — her radio show is heard at 9 PM ET on News Radio WHAM 1180 — I was asked this question, and I responded…
While the rioting and vandalism sparked by the tragic death of George Floyd has been less intense lately, the extremist agenda of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement continues marching forward. As a self-identified Marxist organization, Black Lives Matter is…
As we look back on nearly six months of coronavirus hysteria, it has become increasingly obvious that the fake pandemic has become an excuse to destroy liberty and replace it with socialism and tyranny. We’ve watched as tyrants at the…
So much for equality under the law! Local governments are now not only ignoring lawless acts committing in the name of the BLM organization, but codifying its desires as the law and prosecuting anyone who either opposes it or defends…
Rasmussen tends to be one of the more Trump-friendly pollsters so when they deliver a warning shot the Administration, Republicans should pay attention. That is the case with a new poll released today that helped to explain why Trump’s attacks…
The destruction and mayhem we’ve witnessed at the hands of self-identified Marxist organizations like Black Lives Matter is sad and terrible, but it serves to remind us of the true motivations behind their so-called social justice agenda — the destruction…