Donald Trump gave his first speech to a joint session of Congress Tuesday evening–drawing a smaller crowd than Obama’s first speech–and let me say right from the start that it was a fine presentation. It’s amazing what a teleprompter can…
When it comes to Obamacare, we know it has been an abysmal failure, except in one area; it has revived the call for a government-run, single-payer healthcare system–the stated goal from the very beginning of Obamacare–which is an idea Trump…
The first step to solving a problem is being brutally honest. We can’t become like “Baghdad Bob liberals” and ignore the problems within our comatose movement and pathetic congressional leadership. Nor can we ignore the problems with Trump himself,…
Republicans have been running for office since 2009 on the promise lie to repeal Obamacare. Repeal of the Orwellian-sounding “Affordable Care Act” was also on Donald Trump’s punch list of agenda items to be checked off during his first 100…
Donald Trump’s unlikely rise to the presidency began with one simple promise to fix America’s out-of-control illegal immigration problem. Beginning with a promise to build a “big, beautiful, powerful wall” on our southern border–and have Mexico pay for it–Trump’s illegal…
Like many of my Conservative brethren, I have very little sympathy for the dysfunctional and badly broken mainstream media, particularly after the last eight years of media incest between Obama and the press. But the constant cry of “fake news”…
For several years now under the feckless leadership of Mitch McConnell, the GOP promise to repeal Obamacare “root and branch” has proven to be nothing more than another election year lie designed to trick Conservatives into voting for Republicans. One…