The November election is likely to be an intense, brutal fight to the finish, with the Republican candidate Donald Trump needing all of the friends and supporters he can muster. As was evident by his recent statements at the historical…
When the Supreme Court wasn’t ruling against the First and Tenth Amendments last month, they actually managed to get one thing right in the United States v. Texas immigration case. As a result of their 4-4 vote, a lower court…
As the Republican party faces the strong likelihood of down-ticket losses with Donald Trump as their presidential nominee–and as a result, GOP control of the Senate–Mitch McConnell is stuck between a rock and a hard place as he struggles to…
To no one’s surprise, at least not mine, the Supreme Court voted 5-3 to strike down a set of Texas regulations intended to protect the health of women who make the “choice” to murder their unborn babies. The state of…
The total disregard by liberals in both parties of our constitutional right to keep and bear arms has been on blatant display for years, but the intensity has picked up dramatically in the aftermath of the Orlando mass shooting by…
Donald Trump held a closed-door, media-free meeting with the Sadducees and Pharisees–also known as Evangelicals and prosperity gospel con-artists–to discuss the terms of their surrender to his holiness. I call Trump his holiness because he has lived such a perfect…
About two years ago, after reading the biography about Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas, I wrote an article titled, “Cheap Grace, Nazi Germany and the Future of America.” In the piece, we learned how the spiritual condition of the church…