The desire for freedom lies deep in the heart of all men and they are willing to do a great deal to achieve it. What makes America’s system unique, apart from acknowledging that undeniable truth, is the desire to help…
When Trump made his arbitrary and capricious decision to abandon the Kurds and pave the way for Turkish forces to slaughter them – and save Trump Towers Istanbul – many members of his evangelical base condemned him. Christian Broadcasting Network…
As a conservative who’s able to cut through the political noise well enough to see that Trumpism is being sold as conservatism, I’m never surprised by the responses I receive from the cult when I point out how unfit the…
From the very beginning of his 2016 campaign through today, Donald Trump has demonstrated his hatred of the Constitution and how it was created to limit the power of government. Nowhere has this been more evident than in his self-declared…
A lot of well-meaning Christians like to point out how Americans make Idols out of many things. At times, it can seem to be a bit much to say that television, food, work, our cars, or anything and everything has…
In the aftermath of Trump’s decision to abandon our Kurdish allies in Syria and pave the way for Turkey to begin the wholesale slaughter of the people who fought with us against ISIS — a decision made to protect money…
Last Friday, I reported on President Trump’s announcement that the United States and China had reached a “ substantial phase one deal” trade. The president claimed that the deal included intellectual property concerns as well as a Chinese commitment to…