Support for available, abundant, and affordable energy generally falls along party lines—with Republicans supporting “responsible” energy (the stuff that really works) and Democrats pushing “renewable” energy (the stuff they hope will work someday). But when an elected official, or spokesperson,…
Tag: environment
Crony Capitalism And President Obama: How The System Really Works
President Obama’s attacks on Romney’s record while at Bain Capital have opened the window on what is being called “Obama’s public equity record”—with Romney’s surprise news conference in front of failed solar manufacturer Solyndra and new campaign ads bringing the…
We’ve Come A Long Way In The Climate Change War
“We are winning the war!” was a phrase I heard repeatedly this week. Congressman Sensenbrenner, Vice Chair of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, said: “We won on these issues because we were right.” What “war” brought together…
Tombstone, AZ Might Need A Real Tombstone Thanks To Government Over-regulation
It is fire season in the West. Reports say the early start is “not a good sign,” and forecasts claim the “combination of heat and dryness will only make western wildfires worse.” The predictions were made in the same week…
It’s Not Al’s (Armendariz) Fault
Frequent readers of my column might be surprised to see that I am defending Al Armendariz, the newly resigned EPA Administrator of Region 6. In his recently revealed “crucify” comments, Armendariz was merely reflecting the view from the top –…
Crucify All Bureaucrats Whose “Philosophy” Is Based On Ideology And Emotion – Others Will Behave Better
The revelation of the EPA’s “philosophy” used in their regulation of oil and gas companies – “crucify” and “make examples” of, just as the Romans crucified random citizens in areas they conquered to ensure obedience – provides proof of what…
Environmentalism: Less About Hugging Trees, More About Bringing America To Her Knees
Despite his speechmaking touting an “all of the above” energy strategy, President Obama’s reelection could depend his willingness to stand in the way of developing America’s resources. Back in November, at the time of the original Keystone XL pipeline decision,…