In 2016, just weeks before the November election, I wrote a piece responding to the oft-repeated claim that Donald Trump was God’s man, and I concluded that perhaps he was — not for saving America as many evangelicals claimed, but…
Yesterday, I wrote an article about how lukewarm “‘Sometimes-Trump” cowards within the GOP, the Fellowship of the Pharisees, and the faux-conservative media have completely destroyed conservatism. Some of the feedback I received from readers fell in the “craziest and laziest”…
Yesterday, what some have called “the most conservative Supreme Court of all time” used a little judicial “abracadabra” to pull a non-existent inalienable right to transgenderism out of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act hat. Additional decisions released yesterday…
The “Battle Hymn of the Republic” was written by Julia Ward Howe, a Unitarian who didn’t believe in the Trinity or the Deity of Jesus Christ. And even though it’s sung in Christian circles across America to feel more “patriotic,”…
Yesterday was the first Thursday in February, which means the annual National Prayer Breakfast was held in Washington, DC. And, as has been the case for every president since Dwight D. Eisenhower attended the first breakfast in 1953, Donald J.…
Earlier this week, The Christian Post joined the Fellowship of the Pharisees and their betrayal of faith and spreading of hate by attacking Christianity Today editor Mark Galli for his op-ed calling for Trump’s removal from office. Fresh on the…
Last week, Christianity Today Magazine published an editorial written by editor in chief Mark Galli calling for Trump to be removed from office for abusing his authority for personal gain and betraying his constitutional oath. Additionally, Galli called on evangelicals…