Three weeks from tomorrow is September 11, 2019, and on that date, we will recognize the eighteenth anniversary of the day Islamic terrorists attacked America and killed thousands of innocent people in the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and in…
In January last year, Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress traded liberty for a little temporary security when they reauthorized Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) through December 2023. However, not every Republican supported allowing the government to…
Seventeen years ago today (9/11/01), an Islamic terrorist group attacked liberty in America when they hijacked four commercial airliners and crashed two of them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in NYC and one into the Pentagon.…
In the name of “fixing” the illegal immigration problem and improving national security, Trump and the GOP have advanced a host of legislative initiatives that even Barack Obama would love. One such initiative was the re-authorization of Section 702 of…
The summer of 2016 was an interesting and dangerous time for liberty-loving Americans. The Department of Homeland Security had become the preferred tool in Washington’s Constitution-killing toolbox to allegedly improve national security and keep the American people “safe.” In June,…
After taking some time to bask in the afterglow of Trump’s Obama-esque State of the Union address yesterday, members of the so-called conservative media, the GOP and the Trump administration quickly returned to advancing the New York Liberal’s top agenda…
It was only yesterday that I shared with you some of the many ways Donald Trump is shredding our Constitutional rights in the name of “safety and security” and how, in his world, there’s no national security problem so large…