When Trump and the GOP helped Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took 40 House seats in November — the most seats picked up by the Democrats in a mid-term since Watergate — they helped usher in a new era of…
Do you remember when Trump allegedly withdrew America from the Paris Climate Accord? I say “allegedly” because, as I wrote at the time, Trump’s announcement came with a little-noticed caveat: “…the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord,…
As a man who likes the title but not the responsibilities of the office, Donald Trump has proven himself to be America’s President In-Name-Only. From the primaries to today the New York Liberal with an “R” after his name has…
As a born-again Christian trying to work out my faith with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), I’m always looking out for the little nuggets of spiritual truth vital to maturing in Christ (Heb. 6:1-2). I’m often amazed at how some…
November 2017 is the 25th anniversary of the release of a letter by the Union of Concerned Scientists warning all mankind—or humankind for the gender-neutral crowd—to bring an end to “environmental destruction” in order to avoid the inevitability of “vast…
As a businessman and private citizen, Donald Trump often expressed his belief that global warming wasn’t real and that the entire concept was a hoax perpetrated on the American people—once going so far as to say it was created by…
For years the words “in-name-only” have been synonymous with the lying liars who make up the Republican party. Routinely promising one thing to get your money and your vote, but then doing the opposite once elected, these charlatans have earned…