In the culture war being waged against morality and religion by LGBT extremists, one of the greatest casualties has been the Boy Scouts of America and its embrace of the LGBT agenda. This past summer, the Boy Scouts of America…
When LGBT sexual tyranny chalks up another victory in places like the left-coast state of California—where they are about to add a make-believe third gender option for CA driver’s licenses, ID cards, and birth certificates—it’s a business as usual situation…
Two weeks ago I shared a story about how the Michigan State Board of Education was essentially guilty of child abuse by promoting the LGBT agenda through a policy that encourages children of any age to experiment with transgenderism. Under…
The homosexual movement has NEVER been about equality. From the very beginning, it’s always been about unconditional acceptance and an embrace of their sexually-deviant lifestyle. Refuse to fall in line and you will pay with your livelihood, and possibly your…
Ever since the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision, politicians–including a few RINOs who would like to be president–have taken to calling it the “law of the land” when asked to take a position on the controversial ruling. In light of a…
I wrote yesterday about how the same-sex marriage ruling in Obergefel v. Hodges by the Supreme Court was being used by polygamists in an attempt to legalize plural marriages. At the end of the article, I challenged anyone who held…
Leading up to the Obergefell v. Hodges decision by the Supreme Court—that’s the case that opened the floodgates to same-sex marriage nationwide—Conservatives and Christians worldwide raised their concerns about the “slippery slope” America would likely find herself on as a…