One of the main campaign promises responsible for the GOP’s rise to the pinnacle of political power over the past decade or so was the promise to destroy Obamacare “root and branch.” It’s the reason voters gave Republicans the House…
A long time ago in a Congress far, far away, the House Freedom Caucus was formed to be a type of Rebel Alliance dedicated to fighting the empire known as the GOP establishment. After ruling for years through fear, intimidation,…
When he was still in Congress, John Boehner was a master at selling out conservative values to Barack Obama’s agenda, and he routinely did all he could to silence conservatives who dared to oppose him or the Republican Party. Boehner’s…
The Democrats officially grabbed the reins of power from the Republicans yesterday as the 116th Congress opened for business. After electing Trump’s personally endorsed candidate for House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and the blue side of the unibrow aisle got right…
While the decline of conservatism within the GOP has been progressing for some time now, its demise has accelerated in the Age of Trump. Nowhere has this fact been more evident than with the Trumpservative metamorphosis we are witnessing from…
As we learned earlier this week, Team GOP punted to the Democrats on spending priorities when Mitch McConnell and crew helped pass and $854 billion spending bill that abandoned GOP promises to repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood, and rein in…
After vowing to “fight the meritless charges” brought against him following an indictment for insider trading, Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) experienced a political come-to-Jesus moment about the reality of his situation. In a statement released over the weekend, Collins officially…