Last year, I was asked by many of you to begin 2024 by highlighting the most popular articles of 2023, and you have made that request again this year. So, I will be reposting, in their entirety, the top article…
If Donald Trump wins the White House in 2024, could America find herself under God’s judgment? While ungodly leaders and false prophets have existed throughout church history, the 1980’s in America have been recognized as a period of great shaking…
While most of America celebrated Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ last week, Donald Trump spent most of his holiday holding cult rallies where he repeated claims that he is God’s divinely appointed man to lead America . .…
During the 2016 presidential election, a common refrain by the group of false prophets I refer to as the Fellowship of the Pharisees and evangelical supporters of Donald Trump was that he was God’s man for our times. I openly…
In 2016, just weeks before the November election, I wrote a piece responding to the oft-repeated claim that Donald Trump was God’s man, and I concluded that perhaps he was — not for saving America as many evangelicals claimed, but…
If you’re old enough to remember the 1980’s, you may recall the numerous scandals brought to light involving several American evangelists, including such names as: Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Peter Popoff and Robert Tilton. While ungodly leaders and false prophets…