Tag: Liberals

U.S. military’s social experiment bringing predictable results

The results of President Obama’s push to remake our military are completely predictable — just not politically correct. As the Pentagon faces increasing pressure from the Obama administration to fully integrate women into all phases of military operations, including forward…

The roots of Islamic fanaticism

“Know thy enemy,” said Sun Tzu, the famous Chinese military strategist of the 6th century B.C. Wise words, indeed, and we need to apply them toward the Islamist enemies we face today. What is it that motivates their fanaticism, their…

America should say no to Syrian refugees!

When President Obama and John Kerry suggest taking 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016, 90 percent of them Muslim and many of them jihadist sympathizers– really, it’s not that hard to say not today; not ever. Just say no. In fact,…