Using the high cost of a college education as cover, Donald Trump and senior advisor/daughter Ivanka released the Proposals to Reform the Higher Education Act. As is always the case whenever Washington uses the word “reform,” the result will be…
Yesterday, the Treasury Department reported that the national debt reached a new milestone, topping $22 trillion. The national debt has been rising at a faster pace ever since Trump and the GOP passed their failed tax-cut plan while increasing spending…
I’ve written several articles since the 2018 midterms about the growing acceptance of Marxist-style socialism within the Democrat Party and how it has moved Democrats further left than we ever thought possible as they openly advocate destroying capitalism and replacing…
My meetings with border law enforcement continue today with Yuma County Sheriff Leon Wilmot. He gives us a riveting briefing on the state of affairs in his county. The sheriff explains how our border agents have been turned into a…
Why is it that almost nobody in government will ever talk about the needs of America as a whole, but only for special interests and protected classes? Why is it that our government has adopted a “su casa es mi…
Throughout the 2018 campaign season, it became crystal clear that the Democrat Party was moving further to the left as members embraced Marxist-style socialism as a key component in their plan to transform the country into a new United Socialist…
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a rising star in the Democrat Party and a card-carrying member of “the largest socialist organization” in the U.S. — Democratic Socialists of America — recently made headlines after an appearance on CBS’s 60 Minutes. In…