We’ve been hearing a lot about how “experts” like Bill Gates have donated millions of dollars to develop a coronavirus vaccine that will bring an end to the so-called pandemic, particularly in poor communities of color. But according to a…
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis intends to shred both the U.S. and Florida Constitutions with his Big Tech regulations. Last week, I wrote an article about Ron DeSantis who, like the rest of the Republican Party, has embraced an anti-free speech…
Ever since their humiliating defeat in the 2020 election, a divide has become obvious within the Republican ranks where talk about defending liberty is, in reality, political doublespeak for defending the party. The Republican minority in Congress has been desperately…
The Republican Party is developing its strategy for the next few elections after Democrats mopped the floor with them in 2020, a strategy that includes the initial vetting of potential candidates for president in 2024. One of the names making…
A bill known as the “See Something, Say Something Online Act” has been recently introduced in the U.S. Senate. If it becomes law, it will accomplish two liberty-killing objectives: Give Big Brother the ability to spy on literally every single…
Even though Donald Trump no longer occupies the White House, the destructive sellout to Trumpism by Republicans and faux conservatives continues. The latest evidence of this reality comes to us from the state of Arizona, where Republican Party Chair Kelli…
In December 2020, letters from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) revealed that the federal government used Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act to spy on us and track websites we visited in 2019, so it isn’t…