Donald Trump and his Republican Party have been targeting the First Amendment, specifically free speech and a free press, ever since he first uttered the words “Fake News.” But in the early days of the imaginary post-Trump era — Trump…
Given the current state of runaway progressivism in America, turning to politics to save liberty and our republic sounds more and more like a good idea. But politics alone is not the answer. The reality is that the more we…
In an announcement straight out of the New World Order playbook, a digital Covid vaccine passport is being jointly developed by a group of health and technology companies who anticipate that governments, airlines, and others will soon start asking people…
Donald Trump and the Republican Party have always been enemies of the First Amendment, specifically free speech and a free press, which is one reason why they have pushed to give government the power to punish social media and other big…
Have you ever wondered what the signers of the Constitution might think of the assault on liberty in America today? I don’t think they’d be all that surprised. In fact, I think our Founding Fathers in their wisdom planned for…
An effort to recall Gavin Newsom is revving up in California as citizens continue their battle against coronavirus tyranny. Last week I wrote about Newsom’s latest round of dictator-styled stay-at-home orders for Southern California and the San Juaquin Valley, impacting…
The federal government used Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act to spy on us and track websites we visited in 2019 according to letters from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that were made public last week, putting…