Senator Ted Cruz recently posted a series of tweets regarding the Second Amendment in which he makes a point that could help shed some light on how we’ve arrived at our current state of compromised liberty and the right to…
On The Ben Shapiro Show last week, Shapiro addressed some assertions being put out there by New York Times columnist and “1619 project” contributor Jamelle Bouie about how “in modern times there is no difference between a republic and a…
Three weeks from tomorrow is September 11, 2019, and on that date, we will recognize the eighteenth anniversary of the day Islamic terrorists attacked America and killed thousands of innocent people in the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and in…
The more the fundamental transformation of America marches on, the more even her history is being “organized” against her. It’s not by chance that the more this new reorganized history bubbles up from its origins in revolutionary doctrine, through our…
Ever since Islamic terrorists hijacked several airliners and crashed them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, Republicans and Democrats have used the tragedy as an excuse to destroy liberty and…
In January last year, Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress traded liberty for a little temporary security when they reauthorized Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) through December 2023. However, not every Republican supported allowing the government to…
In an act of desperation in 2018, Trump and the GOP promised to really, really, really repeal Obamacare if voters would just forget about their broken promises to repeal it in 2012, 2014, and 2016 and simply allow them to…