Teachers and administrators in America’s public schools indoctrination centers continue to look for new ways to keep our children safe from the threat of being killed in a mass shooting. Of course, in order to stay true to their anti-Second…
A few weeks ago, America recognized the thousands of people who died on September 11, 2001 when an Islamic terrorist group hijacked four commercial airliners and crashed two of them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and…
A little over two months ago, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of Jack Phillips, the Christian baker who refused to bake a custom wedding cake for a homosexual couple, claiming that doing so would violate his religious liberty.…
Lately, it seems like our tyrannical overlords in Washington masquerading as representatives of the American people just can’t get enough when it comes to finding new ways to chip away at our constitutional rights in the name of safety. Using…
The anti-Second Amendment hysteria by left-wing extremists and the media—but I repeat myself—has reached a fever pitch following recent incidents of gun violence at public schools as it breathes new life into a punch list of Constitutionally questionable laws designed…
On today’s show, we are joined by our old co-host, Joe Koss (CR’s social media director), to discuss how the Masterpiece court decision is nothing to celebrate beyond its very limited scope. Joe studied natural law at a Catholic law…
Yesterday, in a narrow 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jack Phillips, a Christian baker who refused to bake a custom wedding cake for a homosexual couple based on the grounds that doing so would violate his…