Over the past several years, three things have become clear to me: not everyone wants real liberty, not everyone is willing to fight for real liberty, and there are way too many people more than willing to surrender real liberty…
It’s been a grueling year, and these past few days have simply ramped things up. But through it all, I’m reminded that politics isn’t everything . . . and that’s a privilege. Still, I wonder if “it” is ever going…
I’m sitting here, scratching my head and thinking: what message does every American need to hear after the election? I think that can be answered with four words: Be thankful for liberty. I’ve given you many of the messages I…
Over the past couple of months, I’ve begun to realize something — not everyone wants real liberty, they want tyranny. In the United States, we’ve been brought up (well, some of us) to believe that the most important thing that…