From global warming to the free market economy, the Marxist ideology of Pope Francis has become a major part of Catholic theology. Pope Francis has always possessed a strong Marxist bent to his faith, and he hasn’t been shy about…
“So, what do you think will happen in November?” In a recent interview with Shannon Joy — her radio show is heard at 9 PM ET on News Radio WHAM 1180 — I was asked this question, and I responded…
Following last week’s pro-LGBT/anti-religious liberty ruling by Neil Gorsuch and five other justices occupying the bench of the “most conservative Supreme Court in history” that essentially rewrote Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to create an inalienable right to…
One of the inevitable outcomes of Trump’s presidency has been the total annihilation of conservatism and conservative values. Evidence of this reality can be found in the acceptance of Democratic Socialism within the ranks of so-called conservatives identifying themselves as…
The year was 2008. America was in the early stages of the Great Recession caused by the government itself after years of interference with the free-market “economy” in areas like real estate, banking, and energy, along with excessive government spending…
During this time of unprecedented assaults on our liberty due to the coronavirus hysteria sweeping the nation, I’m amazed at how there are still those who fail to realize how dangerously close we are to seeing our great Republic destroyed…
Hardly a day goes by anymore that we don’t hear about nationalist Republicans working together with like-minded socialist Democrats on ways to leverage coronavirus hysteria into an opportunity to create a bigger, more tyrannical government. Over the past two weeks…