A Kentucky man shot down a drone hovering over his daughter, who was sunbathing, and was then arrested after being charged with first degree criminal mischief and first degree wanton endangerment. The owner of the drone claims he was only…
Over the past few months there have been several alarming reports about the Transportation Safety Administration–the word “safety” is apparently a relative word–more commonly referred to as the TSA. Some of the recent revelations in a Townhall.com story included: Documents…
The majority of Americans oppose it. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan ruled it illegal. The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the USA Freedom Act to stop it (the Senate is about to do the same). And if…
RINO Bob Corker is at it again! After leading the way in passing legislation that surrendered the Senate’s constitutional responsibility to approve treaties — guaranteeing that Iran will have nuclear weapons sooner rather than later — the constitutionally illiterate Senator…
Lindsey Graham, who can usually found around the Capitol playing the role of “Mini-Me” to John McCain’s “Dr. Evil,” says he’s “98.6 percent sure” that he will seek the Republican nomination for president. Like McCain before him, Graham is a member of the…
A three-judge panel of the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan has ruled that the bulk collection of American’s phone records by the government exceeds the law under the Patriot Act. And John McCain isn’t very happy about it.…
Possible GOP candidate for president Peter King (R-NY) is no lover of the Constitution when it comes to dealing with terrorism, as we see in his recent interview with CNN where he called for more government surveillance of the…