Tag: Obama

RINO Republicans will confirm Eric Holder 2.0

Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, it looks like Eric Holder 2.0 (i.e. Loretta Lynch) will be the next Attorney General of the United States thanks to Republican Mark Kirk of Illinois—one of the Senate’s most reliable RINOs. I guess the Senate isn’t as…

1.6 million letters tell Congress to stop ObamaNet

About a month ago, George Soro’s financially backed plan to see government control of the internet became a reality when the FCC announced its Net Neutrality regulations. These new rules altered the Title II of the Communications Act and created an environment that makes…

Obama confirms his hatred of Israel

Barack Hussein Obama’s despicable behavior has now officially reached a new low as we learned today that his administration declassified a top-secret document that reveals Israel’s nuclear weapons program. According to Israel National News, the document—written in 1987—was released in early February.…

Obama Gestapo one step closer to reality

Do you remember in 2008 when then-candidate Obama said this? https://youtu.be/Tt2yGzHfy7s In an administration replete with broken promises, this one appears to be one Obama intends to keep. As I have documented in the past, Obama has been arming the…