It is fire season in the West. Reports say the early start is “not a good sign,” and forecasts claim the “combination of heat and dryness will only make western wildfires worse.” The predictions were made in the same week…
Tag: Obama
Too Bad Romney Wasn’t This Concerned About Super PACS During The Primaries
When polling showed Newt Gingrich in the lead just before the Iowa Caucuses, a Super PAC backing Mitt – “Mr. Inevitable” – Romney released a barrage of attack ads against the former House Speaker, hitting him for supporting a national health insurance mandate, “amnesty for…
Now Obama’s Poor Economic Performance Makes Sense
It’s no mystery that the economy under the anointed one has been dismal. Many people, myself included, thought that this was probably due to his inexperience at anything other than community organizing. After all, there’s not really a lot of Business 101 involved in…
Homosexual Marriage Exposes Obama’s Political Chameleonism
Much has been said about “evolution” of Obama’s position on the subject of homosexual marriage. However, his announcement today that he favors such marriages is less about his evolving and more about his political chameleonism. The chameleon is a reptile…
Obama Flagged For Excessive Celebration
In the game of NFL football, it’s often customary to “spike” the ball when you score a touchdown as a form of celebration. However, a player can be “flagged” for unsportsmanlike conduct for an excessive celebration if the player spikes the…
It’s Not Al’s (Armendariz) Fault
Frequent readers of my column might be surprised to see that I am defending Al Armendariz, the newly resigned EPA Administrator of Region 6. In his recently revealed “crucify” comments, Armendariz was merely reflecting the view from the top –…
Crucify All Bureaucrats Whose “Philosophy” Is Based On Ideology And Emotion – Others Will Behave Better
The revelation of the EPA’s “philosophy” used in their regulation of oil and gas companies – “crucify” and “make examples” of, just as the Romans crucified random citizens in areas they conquered to ensure obedience – provides proof of what…