In a revealing “off-the-record” conversation with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev – where is the TOTUS when you need him? – Obama indicated that he’s ready to sell out America and her allies by giving in to Mother Russia’s demands requiring…
Tag: Obama
Obama’s Fake “Fossil Fuel Infatuation Tour”
President Obama must really be feeling the heat of high gas prices. He is on the defense. For the past three years, America’s oil industry has endured public denigration, access denials, and permitting delays—all while the President touts the virtues…
Steven Chu Must Be Grading On A Curve
That’s the only explanation for grading himself higher than A-minus when asked to grade his policies effects on gas prices. Energy Secretary Steven Chu told a House panel Tuesday that he’d give himself top marks when asked to grade his…
Stimulus Funds Use “Smart” Technology For Surveillance Of American Citizens – Now That’s “Stupid”
With gas prices climbing, so is the popularity of fuel-efficient cars., a site “dedicated to giving you the latest news and the smartest analysis of the shift towards smarter and more efficient modes of transportation,” reports that “with gas…
An Energy Cost Misdirection – Look Here, Don’t Look There
We are all squawking about high gasoline prices, but there is an energy misdirection going on. Sabre rattling by Iran has security specialists sitting on the edge of their seats and speculators seeing the resulting reduced-fuel future. Short of a…
The Oil and Gas Industry is Helping Grow the US Economy
Lately, President Obama has been bragging about the drop in America’s dependence on foreign oil—now less than fifty percent. Earlier this week, he introduced a new chart to show how oil imports have declined under his leadership. The chart does…
Islam A Religion Of Peace. . . Or Something
And hey, it’s a tolerant one too. Even though the Apologist-in-Chief sent a personal message to Afghan President Hamid Karzi for the burning of jihadist notebooks masquerading as copies of the Quran, two U.S. troops were shot to death and four more wounded…