Tag: Obamacare

Another GOP surrender: Obamacare is here to stay!

Ever since Republicans took control of Congress in 2014, the party leadership has been working overtime finding ways to betray the conservative base that made their success possible, while becoming a rubber stamp for Obama’s fundamental transformation of America agenda.…

Wasted away again in Obamaville

It’s time for all Americans to come face-to-face with a truth that all but the woefully ignorant and the intentionally ignorant are, at least to some degree, aware of. The United States of America has become “Barack’s World”, and the…

Conservative Comedy 7/3/15

Happy Independence Day! It’s Conservative Comedy time at the Strident Conservative where I bring you some of the best conservative political and religious comedy, jokes, and satire on the internet, sure to provide a good laugh to begin your weekend.…