Which came first … the chicken or the egg? Much like this age-old question, the question about Trump’s role in the destruction of conservatism has been debated from the day he rode down the escalator in Trump Tower in 2015…
It took place a little over three years ago, but I remember it as if it happened yesterday. I was working on show prep for the radio program I produced and contributed to on-air when the station owner called me…
In the Age of Trump, where the Fellowship of the Pharisees and their so-called evangelical followers have given “God’s chosen president” a “mulligan” for his sexually immoral past in exchange for a seat at his table, the damage being done…
Last week I shared an email I received from Mitch McConnell’s re-election campaign asking for a donation to help him keep his job as Kentucky’s senior senator and leader of the Republican party. McConnell provided no accomplishments earning him the…
Like all true conservatives, I’ve watched with disgust as former conservatives like Mark Levin, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and others have joined #Cult45 one after the other. But no defection has been more disappointing than that of Senator Mike Lee.…
I’ve been focusing a lot lately on the 2020 election and how, unless something changes, we’re going to see another lesser-of-two-evils election between a Democrat and a Democrat with an “R” after his name. At least, that’s likely to be…
Yesterday was Tax Day, an annual reminder that our tax-and-spend government continues to get taxier and spendier. Fox News is reporting that Donald Trump will be holding campaign events across the country this week to do some damage control in…