In an opinion piece published nearly three years ago by the NY Times Editorial Board, we learned that terminating people of faith from public sector jobs is not only acceptable but demanded if they hold politically incorrect views on LGBT…
From the beginning of his Presidency, Donald Trump had every intention of allowing his office to be used as a platform to advance the socialist feminist agenda of a woman he once said he would be hitting on if she…
At a tax-reform event held in Arizona over the weekend, soon-to-be ex-Senator Jeff Flake was caught on a hot mic whining about the imminent death of the GOP. Speaking to his good friend, Mesa Mayor John Giles, Flake said “If…
Did you hear about the new set of directives released by the Church of England for schools and teachers concerning gender and gender identity? In honor of anti-bullying week, the Church of England released an updated version of a 2014…
In this special episode of the Conservative Conscience, we consider the long view of what happened in Alabama and where things are headed. The important thing now is to get the truth and put all politics aside. At…
“Two wrongs don’t make a right” is a well-known English proverb which means it’s never right to wrong another, even if they wronged you first. However, another application of this old adage means you can never fix one mistake by…
November 2017 is the 25th anniversary of the release of a letter by the Union of Concerned Scientists warning all mankind—or humankind for the gender-neutral crowd—to bring an end to “environmental destruction” in order to avoid the inevitability of “vast…