So did you hear about the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan who stood behind the pulpit of a Baptist Church and called on his white brothers and sisters to kill blacks in order to end the violence whites…
In a speech at American University in Washington, Obama warned his audience that failure to pass his nuclear arrangement with Iran would put the United States on the path to another Mideast war: “The choice we face is ultimately between…
Such a promising start, but it didn’t take long for The Donald to show that he’s every bit as craven as the rest of those supporting amnesty. Turns out, he stands for amnesty himself. Here is what he is now…
Whenever Obama isn’t playing the race card to cover his ineptitude as president, he will often resort to his backup: the “blame the conservative media” card. Well, guess which member in Congress is playing the same card; none other than…
At Senator Harry Reid’s seventh National Clean Energy Summit held in Las Vegas on Thursday, September 4, Hillary Clinton said: “This is the most consequential, urgent, sweeping collection of challenges we face as a nation and a world.” She wasn’t talking about…
Last week, we learned about a motion filed by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) to remove Nancy Pelosi’s favorite Republican, John Boehner, from his perch as Speaker of the House. At the time, many within the party establishment wrote off the…
Conservatives have welcomed Trump’s attacks on the establishment, have cheered his boldness, and have applauded his courage. He has taken on hitherto taboo issues like immigration enforcement, and has demonstrated the hollowness of what passes for conventional wisdom. Trump has…