As time goes by, I’m more and more convinced that if Obama really did teach the Constitution in college, he didn’t do so in order to learn how to live by it. I’m certain that his area of expertise on…
A few weeks ago I shared with you how Obama was making plans to raise taxes via executive action in order to bypass Congress and avoid that pesky Constitution. Well, the Republicans have finally responded. In a letter to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, Senate…
In the 1930’s, Nazi Germany required Jewish-owned businesses to register with the German government in order to identify them for a takeover by the Nazis. This eventually led to a series of anti-Jewish regulations and decrees depriving Jews of their property rights.…
At the end of January, the Obama administration announced the next step in a long process that could result in the exploration and ultimate extraction of oil-and-gas resources of the U.S. mid-Atlantic—something the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Governors Coalition supports.…
The past week was a rough one for free speech in America. Two students at the University of Oklahoma have been expelled by the university’s president for their role in producing a video that contained “racist chants.” They were immediately…
“Let’s shake up the Senate.” With those words, Cory Gardner (R-INO CO) promised to be a difference maker if Colorado voters elected him as Senator instead of re-electing Democrat Mark Udall. Unfortunately for those of us who voted for this pathetic excuse of…
It’s Conservative Comedy time at the Strident Conservative. As I do every Friday, I bring you some of the best conservative political and religious comedy, jokes, and satire on the internet, sure to provide a good laugh to begin your…