One of the important agenda items for the lame duck session of the 112th Congress is the extension of the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind energy. The PTC is set to expire December 31 and Congress estimates that extending…
Tag: politics
Leaked Emails Expose Dept Of Energy Deception
Benghazi isn’t the only White House cover up being exposed through leaked emails. State Department staffers aren’t the only career officials being blamed for President Obama’s inexperience, questionable judgment, and obvious cover up. A similar saga has just been…
Halloween – Obama Style
Today is Halloween. It’s a time when roving bands of children go door to door threatening to do damage to people’s houses unless they get payoffs in candy and other goodies. But what would Halloween look like if Obama’s redistributionist policies were applied? Steven…
Obama Cares About Big Bird Instead Of Real Birds
The number of days until the election can now be counted on both hands. Regardless of the outcome, we know one issue will be buried under the fiscal-cliff news—where it hopes to fly under the radar. This one issue? The…
Conservative Comedy 10/26/12
Have a great weekend!
Third Debate Highlights Obama’s Failed Energy Policy
Because energy security is such a vital component of U.S. foreign policy, it was disappointing that it received little more than a brief mention in the final Presidential Debate. Early in the debate, President Obama, once again, lauded his policies…
Steven Crowder Parodies Obama’s “Changes”
What did Obama mean when he ran on a message of “change?” Steven Crowder mixes a little David Bowie music to answer that question in a funny video parody. “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes” Check out more from FoxNews’ brightest, funniest young Conservative mind at