While not official, the buying public is anxiously awaiting the announcement and release of the Etch A Sketch RSE (Romney Signature Edition), which is definitively NOT the same product manufactured by the Ohio Art Company baby boomers grew up with. The Etch-A-Sketch RSE comes with one significant…
Tag: politics
Steven Chu Must Be Grading On A Curve
That’s the only explanation for grading himself higher than A-minus when asked to grade his policies effects on gas prices. Energy Secretary Steven Chu told a House panel Tuesday that he’d give himself top marks when asked to grade his…
This Is Budget Leadership?
The main reason that Obama is lacking when it comes to budget leadership is that he has never had to deal with one, and thanks to the rudderless ship – or should I say, Reid-erless – being captained by Harry Reid,…
Stimulus Funds Use “Smart” Technology For Surveillance Of American Citizens – Now That’s “Stupid”
With gas prices climbing, so is the popularity of fuel-efficient cars. AltTransport.com, a site “dedicated to giving you the latest news and the smartest analysis of the shift towards smarter and more efficient modes of transportation,” reports that “with gas…
Hillary Clinton – Leader Of The Fake War On Women
I say “fake war” because according to Hillary and many of her feminist comrades, they are defending themselves against a declared war on women . And I refer to Hillary as the Leader – well, because she’s the Leader; just ask Meryl Streep. Like any true leader, you must…
An Energy Cost Misdirection – Look Here, Don’t Look There
We are all squawking about high gasoline prices, but there is an energy misdirection going on. Sabre rattling by Iran has security specialists sitting on the edge of their seats and speculators seeing the resulting reduced-fuel future. Short of a…
Why Won’t Conservatives Just Let Romney Win?
According to the number 2 House Republican, it’s time for everyone to coalesce around Mitt Romney – aka Mr. Inevitable – so he can focus on losing to running against Obama in November. Karl Rove – the George Castanza of the political world because they…