What many might not realize about the coronavirus lockdown is how much like prison America and American society is becoming in its wake. And if I learned anything after working 25 years in the bowels of law enforcement as a…
No doubt you’ve heard by now about Nancy Pelosi’s Helping Emergency Responders Overcome Emergency Situations (HEROES) Act, a $3 trillion, 1800-page coronavirus bailout/stimulus proposal scheduled for one of Congress’ classic “pass the bill so you can find out what’s in…
Over the past few months, I’ve written a lot about how coronavirus hysteria has given big government Republicans and Democrats the “never let a crisis go to waste” opportunity they’ve been looking for to push the socialist agenda and move…
Even as coronavirus hysteria begins to wind down and government at the state and federal levels loosens its iron-fisted grip on free men and women, COVID-19 is being used simultaneously by the government as leverage to move America ever closer…
If you’re looking for the enemies of liberty, look no further because they are members of your own household. Last week, I shared a few excerpts from a book I’ve been working on about how liberty is under assault in…
It appears Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell have been less-than-ethical in their bid to “transform” the judiciary by loading it up with so-called conservative judges. Last week, I shared how the Senate was preparing to confirm Trump’s nomination of McConnell’s…
In this episode, I explain why there is no justification in the world for the lockdown, especially the closure of schools. I also update you on how the very mayors who are releasing murderers and sex offenders are now threatening…