When I wrote last week’s article entitled “If you liked the TARP bailout, you’re going to love the coronavirus bailout,” I mentioned that Trump and his fellow nationalist Republicans in Congress were promising to spare no expense to deliver the…
We need answers, data, information, and transparency. Governors are moving toward full home confinement of every citizen. Between what they are doing on liberty, crime, the economy, and fiscal policy, but not doing on immigration and combating China, one has to…
Last week I wrote an article about how Republicans and Democrats are using the coronavirus hysteria as an opportunity to advance the Far-Left’s goal of releasing prisoners under the guise of not spreading of the virus. Though most of the…
Hardly a day goes by anymore that we don’t hear about nationalist Republicans working together with like-minded socialist Democrats on ways to leverage coronavirus hysteria into an opportunity to create a bigger, more tyrannical government. Over the past two weeks…
Everything Congress needs to be doing, it is not even discussing, and everything that is harmful to small businesses is being passed without any debate or transparency. Rep. Chip Roy joins us to warn about the coming sellout of Republicans…
Nearly two years ago, I wrote an article entitled Walking the Lonely Conservative Road in the Age of Trump. In it, I shared how my mission to be a leading voice in the call for a return to conservative values has…
Last week, I began taking a more serious look at the coronavirus hysteria sweeping the nation, not out of fear of the disease, but out of fear of our government as they use the pandemic to destroy liberty and replace…