Over five years ago (November 5, 2009) at the Fort Hood military post in Texas, Army Major Nidal Hasan, a radical American-born Islamist opened fire on several of his fellow unarmed soldiers who were about to deploy. By the time…
While the the Obama administration has been taking some flak for its reliance on hashtag diplomacy as the primary means for dealing with serious international situations, the recent #bringbackourgirls campaign appears to be showing some results. In an just released video, Abubakar Shekau, the leader of…
It’s Friday! Time for a few laughs courtesy of Jodi Miller and Newsbusted along with our new addition, the Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change. Have a great weekend!
When David Axelrod tried to give Obama cover for his failure to call the bombings in Boston, MA what they were—terrorism—he gave the following reason for Obama’s actions: “I’m sure what was going through the president’s mind is — we really…
As the Strident Conservative grows in popularity, we continue to receive requests for the opportunity to be a guest contributor. We’re proud to give space for today’s guest. Since the events of 9/11, Larry Kelley has written over 100 articles on…
Of course, with a policy of Muslim appeasement – mixed in with a total disregard of the Constitution from the Obama Administration – it should come as no surprise. Thousands of Egyptian demonstrators shouting “Obama, we are here to sacrifice for Osama”…