“Security under our constitution is given to the rights of conscience and private judgment. They are by nature subject to no control but that of Deity [the Lord], and in that free situation they are now left.” – John Jay,…
A fashionable concept in today’s computer – IT world is the idea of “singularity” first pioneered by Ray Kurzweil throughout the 1990s and specifically in his 2005 book, The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. The thesis of Kurzweil,…
The homosexual movement has NEVER been about equality. From the very beginning, it’s always been about unconditional acceptance and an embrace of their sexually-deviant lifestyle. Refuse to fall in line and you will pay with your livelihood, and possibly your…
The conservative movement won big yesterday all across America, including Houston, TX. where voters defeated an ordinance that would allow men who “perceive they are female” to shower with women. So, how did Houston’s lesbian mayor respond to the vote?…
On Monday, the federal government mandated that a Chicago high school allow a full biological male into the girls’ locker room for all purposes, including nudity, because the boy “identifies” as a girl. Under the ruling, the feds determined that…
A new report from the U.S. government calls for an end to what they are calling the “discredited practice” known as conversion therapy (CT) for homosexual, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youths. The report released last week by the Substance Abuse…
The pope made headlines with his calls for action on climate change. USA Today touted: “Obama, Pope Francis praise each other on climate change.” In his September 23 speech from the White House lawn, the Pope addressed President Obama, saying:…