Do you believe in a political solution to the problems our country faces? Are you convinced that if we just had the right person in the White House we would change back to a moral society? Do you even care…
In a speech at American University in Washington, Obama warned his audience that failure to pass his nuclear arrangement with Iran would put the United States on the path to another Mideast war: “The choice we face is ultimately between…
The objectives of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) are referred to as the “Aims of Scouting” and they are: moral character development, citizenship training, and development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. The Boy Scout oath states, in…
Cities across America have been adopting ordinances that protect their citizens from the steady spread of Shariah law, but not in Seattle. Mayor Ed Murray “wants to help Muslims” attain home ownership by offering Shariah-compliant loans. Murray was concerned that…
Planned Parenthood is now being exposed for the evil death clinic it has always been. If you deny this claim, you need to take a look at Margaret Sanger. In 1921 she created the American Birth Control League, which eventually…
Retired General Wesley Clark, a former presidential candidate for the Democrat party and the past supreme allied commander of NATO, was a vocal critic of George W. Bush’s response to the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the…
Ah, Quds Day. A day where peaceful Iranians can come together and celebrate the last Friday of the Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan. How inspiring it is to witness so many people unite for the common goal of wiping Israel…