Donald Trump and Trumpist Republicans have been quick to blame Joe Biden and the Democrats for the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill signed into law last week, but Trump and company are the ones responsible for this scam because they laid…
The 2021 edition of the National Conservatism Conference will be held in Orlando, Florida from October 31 – November 2, and just as it was in the 2019 edition held in Washington, DC, nationalist propaganda will be the theme of…
Republican Governor Mike Parson of Missouri was recently called to task over revelations that the state’s education department website exposed the Social Security Numbers of over 100,000 employees — including teachers and administrators — but instead of taking responsibility for…
Joe Biden has made eliminating “misinformation” regarding all things COVID (vaccines, mask mandates, etc.) a top priority, but apparently he’s OK with it when it comes from media allies like the NY Times. Targeting the media (both social media and…
For the past few weeks, Republicans have been engaged in a make-believe game of forcing Democrats to reduce spending and avoid default on the national debt by raising the debt ceiling, but the reality is that neither side wants to…
During a recent appearance on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight, J.D. Vance — a faux-conservative Trumpist and U.S. Senate candidate for the state of Ohio — adopted some of Bernie Sanders’ agenda when he declared that the government should seize…
One indisputable fact concerning the Republican Party is that it is no longer the home of conservatives, and since the 2016 election, conservatism has been replaced by nationalism at the hands of Trumpists like Dean Heller, who just announced that…