In what is sure to be only the first of many such announcements to come from Trump’s inner circle, conservative fraud and Trumpist Nikki Haley is set to announce that she will be running for president in 2024. Confirmation of…
Despite the charade we witnessed last week by 20-or-so faux conservatives, Kevin McCarthy’s ascension to the position of Speaker of the House was never in doubt because Donald Trump wanted him to get the job all along. And as we…
Over the past many years, conservatism was destroyed within the Republican Party and replaced by Trumpism and Nationalism, giving us a mixed bag of socialism-friendly policies diametrically opposed to our values. Having blurred the lines between conservatism and socialism, Trump…
In yet another example of the lengths he is willing to go to quench his egomaniacal thirst for power, Donald Trump on Saturday openly demanded the “termination” of the United States Constitution so that he could be returned to power.…
The threat to liberty and conservatism in America is the worst it’s ever been in our lifetime, and I’m often asked why I continue fighting for these values even though the odds are against me. The answer? Because I choose…
Those searching for an explanation of why there was no “red wave” giving Republicans huge gains in Congress in this year’s midterm election should compare this year’s election with the midterm election of 2010. In 2010, Republicans gained a net…
The Republican Party’s adoption of Trumpism and Donald Trump’s Nationalism are not only contrary to the principles of conservatism, but they are also downright catastrophic. By falsely claiming that Trump is a conservative, Republicans are affirming the left’s longstanding opinion…