Last week, I wrote about how Trump and the GOP Clown Show were loving the Kavanaugh circus because it provided them with the perfect distraction to shift voter attention away from their record of lies and broken promises. So, it…
While the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings dominated the headlines this week, Donald Trump was busy being Donald Trump. Following his appearance at the United Nations, Trump gave one of the most chaotic press conferences of his presidency. From Kavanaugh to…
I’m not sure, but I think if Nero were alive today, he probably would be a Republican. According to a well-known expression, in 64 A.D., Roman Emperor Nero “fiddled while Rome burned” in a fire that destroyed most of the…
How do you know Trump and the GOP are worried about the upcoming election after two years of broken promises and few, if any, policy achievements? When they spend every waking moment touting imaginary tales of triumph and talent over…
As we learned earlier this week, Team GOP punted to the Democrats on spending priorities when Mitch McConnell and crew helped pass and $854 billion spending bill that abandoned GOP promises to repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood, and rein in…
If there are any NFL teams in need of a punter this season, they might want to send one of their scouts to check out GOP-controlled Washington. Ever since the 2016 election, Trump and the GOP have punted the ball…
In an unbelievable moment of transparency and honesty, Donald Trump’s problematic former chief strategist and advisor, Steve Bannon, admitted to something that everyone not drinking the orange Kool-Aid has always known — Congress is filled with establishment Republicans who will…