What do socialism and cybersecurity have in common? If you’re Trump and the GOP, the answer is . . . EVERYTHING! Last week, I wrote a two-part series about legislation making its way through Congress that moves the government several…
As expected, Trump’s bought and paid for GOP-controlled Senate became accessories to his Ukraine coverup scandal by refusing to allow additional evidence and witnesses in the impeachment trial, clearing the way for his acquittal. In what was essentially a party-line…
Yesterday, I wrote an article showing how Trump lied about the so-called success of his trade war and how, in reality, tariffs were killing the US economy. I also documented how his claim that China and other countries were paying…
If you visit the website of Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and click the “Issues” tab, you’ll find a link to a page titled “Make ‘Em Squeal,” a moniker she developed for her 2014 senatorial campaign to show her commitment to…
Recently, I read a story about a Utah man who voluntarily had several microchips implanted in his hand that allow him to log on and off his computer, unlock doors at work, unlock his car, and share contact information using…
In the first weeks of his presidency, Trump had already begun breaking his campaign promise to rein in spending and get America’s fiscal house in order by proposing trillions of dollars in new spending for infrastructure, the military, and funding…
Despite the bend-over-backwards effort by certain members of the faux-conservative media to dismiss Tuesday’s election results as having nothing to do with Trump (*cough* Laura Ingraham *cough*), it’s an indisputable fact that the anti-Trump/GOP momentum that began in the 2017…