If you’re a regular reader or listener of the Strident Conservative, you know that I am no fan of the New York liberal running for president. No, not Bill’s wife. I’m talking about the other liberal… Donald Trump. In some…
One of the areas of concern regarding Donald Trump by those in the #NeverTrump camp is the remarkable similarity we are beginning to witness with his campaign to that of the Barack Obama campaign of 2008–particularly the narcissistic habit of…
I have a blunt and serious question to ask you. When is the rape of a woman not a rape? Well, if you’re Donald Trump, it all depends on when you’re asked. In a new video released by his campaign,…
Even though he’s the only Republican candidate for president still running, Donald Trump hasn’t been winning by large enough margins in the remaining primary states to put this thing away. Heck, Washington state’s GOP awarded 40 out of 41 elected…
Obamacare. The Democrat plan so incredible that we had to pass it just to find out how much awesomeness was hiding inside. But alas, it turned out to be nothing to write home about. For instance: Do you remember when…
In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s win in Indiana, and the subsequent suspension of the Ted Cruz campaign, it’s now time to sort through the rubble of the Republican party. And while it would be easy for me to point…
From his earliest days a president–when he toured the world embracing Islam while apologizing for America–Barack Hussein Obama made his disdain for the nation of Israel clear for the world to see; his presidency filled to the brim with policies…