The majority of Americans oppose it. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan ruled it illegal. The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the USA Freedom Act to stop it (the Senate is about to do the same). And if…
Obamacare study confirms Obama’s economic failures
A few days ago, I shared how Obama likes to massage data to make it look like his economic policies are working. Unemployment rate goes down? It’s not because people are finding jobs. Instead, it’s because their unemployment benefits have…
Sen. Bob Corker picks NSA over the Constitution
Jeb Bush: worst of the worst for 2016
Mitch McConnell yields Senate control to Harry Reid
Obama’s executive amnesty creates millions of new Democrat voters
RINO Republicans give Obama his wish… again!
We warned you earlier this month and now it’s official. Led by the RINO-iest RINOs in the Senate, federal prosecutor Loretta Lynch has been confirmed to replace Eric Holder as the new constitutional-killing attorney general. The 56 votes in her…