As I wrote yesterday, the RINOs in Washington are developing plans for an alternative to Obamacare, affectionately referred to as Obamacare Lite. No repeal. No replace. Actually, it’s more like renege, as in the GOP reneged on their promise to…
Do you remember when Gutless On Principles (GOP) Hall of Shame enshrinee Mitch McConnell said Obamacare was “a job-killer,” “too expensive,” and will do “colossal damage” to the economy? Do you remember how he promised to pull it out “root…
Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, it looks like Eric Holder 2.0 (i.e. Loretta Lynch) will be the next Attorney General of the United States thanks to Republican Mark Kirk of Illinois—one of the Senate’s most reliable RINOs. I guess the Senate isn’t as…
Well, here’s a little insight into the true lack of leadership we get from Gutless On Principles (GOP) Hall of Shame member Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-INO KY). In his latest display of fecklessness, Mitch wrote a letter to U.S. governors instructing…
“Let’s shake up the Senate.” With those words, Cory Gardner (R-INO CO) promised to be a difference maker if Colorado voters elected him as Senator instead of re-electing Democrat Mark Udall. Unfortunately for those of us who voted for this pathetic excuse of…
After receiving an unheard-of amount of negative responses to the idea, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has decided to postpone their proposal to ban certain types of 5.56mm rounds, or .223 caliber, which is a type of ammunition…
In February, 2013, Mitch McConnell was enshrined into the Gutless On Principles (GOP) Hall of Shame due to his track record of non-existent leadership when it came to dealing with the budget and the national debt. Well, in the words of the…