It’s been a week now since Chris Christie was forced to face the scandal that has come to be known as “Bridgegate.” And as the dust from this political payback has settled, heads have rolled and top people within his administration have…
Paul Ryan Enshrined In The G.O.P. Hall Of Shame
The American Conservative Union gives Paul Ryan a lifetime score of 91%. Not too shabby, until you look a little closer at his performance on several key votes. Consider the following provided by Matt Lewis with The Daily Caller. Rep. Ryan voted FOR: The Troubled Asset…
McConnell playbook: When victory is certain, surrender!
Current polling numbers show that Obama is looking a little more like the anti-christ than the messiah these days. In a new Quinnipiac University poll, the President’s approval rating is at its lowest point in Quinnipiac polling history–nationally or in any state–at 34%. This…
John McCain: This isn’t the maverick you’re looking for – Part II
John McCain is the gift that keeps on giving . . . for Progressive Democrats. Hmm, Progressive Democrat. Is that being redundant? As we documented in Part I—we didn’t call it Part I at that time, but we should have known that the…
John McCain: War hero – Senator – Islamic Theologian
John McCain has lived a rather storied life. He’s a POW survivor from the Vietnam War, who used his heroic story to leverage a rather extensive—which is code for “man, do we need term limits”—career as a politician in Washington, D.C.…
Mr. Boehner, the House must defund, not delay, Obamacare!
In a display of the type of leadership that earned John Boehner enshrinement in the G.O.P. Hall of Shame—he was our first inductee—the “RINO from Ohio” is about to cave on one of the issues that put him and the Republicans in…
Mitt Romney: Senator Graham sounds like Jimmy Carter
O.K. Mitt didn’t really say this, but in a moment of political karma, he could have. During the Republican primaries in 2011, John McCain’s BFF criticized the Republican presidential field’s ambivalence about the war in Afghanistan, and accused front-runner Mitt Romney of promoting a weakness…