In December, 2012, the Strident Conservative enshrined John McCain (Rino-AZ) as a member of its G.O.P (Gutless On Principles) Hall of Shame. Our decision was made, in part, as a result of his tirade from the Senate floor when he railed against Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)…
Lindsey Graham Enshrined In The G.O.P. Hall Of Shame
Have you heard that scientists are going to start using lawyers and politicians instead of rats for laboratory experiments? Apparently, this keeps the scientists from becoming too attached to their subjects . . . and there are simply some things even a rat won’t…
John McCain and Lindsey Graham Introduce The Protection of RINO WIMPS Act of 2013
In an unexpected, but not surprising move, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have proposed new legislation intended to protect the endangered RINO. If it becomes law, the Protection of Republicans In Name Only and Washington Insiders Masquerading as Public Servants…
Republican Retreat Or Retreating Republicans?
In the movie, The Princess Bride, Vizzini (played by Wallace Shawn) habitually used the word “inconceivable” when events occurred that were contrary to his expectations. After growing weary of repeatedly hearing the word, Inigo Montoya (played by Mandy Patinkin) says to Vizzini, “You keep using…
Chuckleheads Of The World Unite!
During the imaginary financial crisis known as the “fiscal cliff“—we call it imaginary because it was created by gutless politicians who lacked the courage to deal with the government’s spending addiction during the debt ceiling negotiations in 2011—Republican Congressman, Steve LaTourette,…
G.O.P. – Gutless On Principles
Due to the frequency of an ever-increasing number of establishment Republicans who are more concerned about protecting their jobs–and the power that goes with it–than they are protecting their principles, we are announcing a new “honor” for the Gutless On Principles Republicans. The November election…
Too Bad Romney Wasn’t This Concerned About Super PACS During The Primaries
When polling showed Newt Gingrich in the lead just before the Iowa Caucuses, a Super PAC backing Mitt – “Mr. Inevitable” – Romney released a barrage of attack ads against the former House Speaker, hitting him for supporting a national health insurance mandate, “amnesty for…