Trump supporters need to take note; even though Al Gore’s “inconvenient truth” about global warming is a lie, it has been and soon will be again embraced as truth by the man they claim will fix the ills caused by…
What do COVID lockdowns, so-called global warming, carbon taxes and a “climate emergency” have in common? Read on to find out… A few weeks ago, the International Monetary Fund (MNF) issued a “call for global climate action” based on lessons…
The United Nations’ Summit of the Future 2024 has revealed that the UN is working to advance a plan that gives them global control via digital IDs — a plan that already enjoys the full support of the US Government.…
Every year, workers across the United States celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September: a day that also marks the end of summer vacations, the start of football season, and the return to school for millions of children.…
April 22 is Earth Day, or as it’s better known by socialists and communists around the world, a day to celebrate Marxism and Vladimir Lenin’s birthday. Many have argued that Vladimir Lenin’s birthday and Earth Day falling on the same…
Recently, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invited private businesses and organizations to join the US government in partnership to accelerate the creation and adoption of digital IDs for mobile devices. We are now witnessing a real sense…
As I continue highlighting the most popular articles of 2023 by reposting the top article from each month (based on traffic) in their entirety, we’ve reached September where the most-read article dealt with the origins of Labor Day titled: Labor…