In Washington’s never-ending assault on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, Trump and the GOP have been willing participants in the effort. Though Trump has been a threat to the Constitution in nearly every imaginable way, he has recently…
Following last week’s pro-LGBT/anti-religious liberty ruling by Neil Gorsuch and five other justices occupying the bench of the “most conservative Supreme Court in history” that essentially rewrote Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to create an inalienable right to…
Before the protesting and rioting occurring across the nation in response to the senseless and tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer ruled the daily headlines, coronavirus hysteria was the dominating story grabbing everyone’s…
Things have been pretty hectic in Trump’s “winning” America lately. When he’s not waging war on social media companies and the right to free speech, he’s exercising his dictator muscles with police-state threats against protesters and their right to assemble…
Welcome to Conservative Comedy Friday – Coronavirus Quarantine Edition. Did you know that Denver International Airport was put under mandatory quarantine after it was discovered that several of the employees had contracted COVID-19 from a group of international passengers? The…
One of the inevitable outcomes of Trump’s presidency has been the total annihilation of conservatism and conservative values. Evidence of this reality can be found in the acceptance of Democratic Socialism within the ranks of so-called conservatives identifying themselves as…
If there were ever any doubts that Trump’s rebranded Republican party has completely abandoned even the pretense that it held conservative values, they have been completely eliminated by the coronavirus hysteria sweeping the nation. Once considered the party of smaller,…